Enhanced Aroma and Better TasteSourdough enables easy, quick production of fresh and tasty high-quality bread products.
Providing increased productivity, enhanced aromas, and the possibility of an expanded product range, our sourdough line is satisfying and convenient for consumers, bakers, and manufacturers.
Millbio’s technology allows the production of concentrated sourdough products in dried powder form which are easy to use in premixes or directly in bread making.
Our authentic sourdough mixes provide a wide range of flavor profiles, resulting in breads with unique aromas, beautiful crunchy crusts, and delicious taste.
Millbio SPRING LINE is the unique sourdough line by Millbo, capable of recalling the ancient traditional handmade bread and typical Italian flavors.

is the new innovative line of sourdough based concentrates with typical Italian provenance, taste and ingredients, bringing advanced nutritional values and Italian style to the table.
3400 PANVIVO Durum Wheat | 4505 Panvivo Riso Nero |
3402 Panvivo farro |